Thursday, November 20, 2008

Quantum of Solace @ GSC Signature, The Garden

first ever expensive show i been...GSC Signature @ The Garden.
well, but i think its much cheaper than melbourne, rite Summie?
Comfortable enough...
why? coz its couple seat..and not pack at all...mayb its odd time...hahahahsummie and her drink in front of the premiere house 1
me & Wall-E

Monday, November 17, 2008

Choc from Melbourne

Thanks summie!!!
Thanks for buying me my fav kinder bueno...hehehe!! another egg pack....
and different flavoured of KIT-kat...which msia dont haf...wuahahahah...yao pai sek lor...LOL

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Girl vs. Matured women

Girls leave their schedule wide-open and wait for a guy to call and make plans.
Matured women make their own plans and nicely tell the guy to get in where he fits.

Girls want to control the man in their life.
Matured women know that if he’s truly hers, he doesn’t need controlling.

Girls check you for not calling them.
Matured women are too busy to realize you hadn’t.

Girls are afraid to be alone.
Matured women revel in it-using it as a time for personal growth.

Girls make you come home.
Matured women make you want to come home.

Girls worry about not being pretty or good enough for their man.
Matured women know that they are pretty or good enough for any man.

Girls try to monopolize all their man’s time (i.e. don’t want him hanging with his friends).
Matured women realize that a lil’ bit of space makes the ‘together time’ even more special-and goes to kick it with her own friends!

Girls think a guy crying is weak.
Matured women offer their shoulder and a tissue.

Girls want to be spoiled and ‘tell’ their man so.
Matured women ’show’ him and make him comfortable enough to reciprocate without fear of losing his ‘manhood’.

Girls get hurt by one man and make all men pay for it.
Matured women know that, that was just one man.

Girls fall in love and chase aimlessly after the object of their affection, ignoring all ’signs’.
Matured women know that sometimes the one you love, don’t always love you back and move on, without bitterness.


Girls will read this and get an attitude.
Matured women will read this and pass it on to other Matured women and their male

hehehe...m some of i still a girl or a matured woman??
or...m not a girl but not yet a woman...XD

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Shower Test

When you step into a shower, which part of the body do you wash first? Please select a body first?

A. Chest
B. Face
C. Armpits
D. Hair
E. Privates
F. Shoulders
G. Others

A. Chest:
You are a practical person. Straightforward and do not beat aroundthe bush. To you, convenience is of paramount importance. You hate to be distracted when concentrating and are impatient with people who do not see things your way. A good sex partner and willing to try newthings. Your best partner in life will be those who choose D (Hair).

B. Face:
Money is important to you and you will do anything to get it.Integrity and dignity is not important. You feel that friends are there to be used and life is one big hassle. Other people find it hard to understand you, but you are not concerned as to what they think.Very self-centered person. Average sex partner as too selfish andtend to be absorbed in self pleasure at the expense of your partner. Your best partner in life will be those who choose E (Privates) and G (Others).

C. Armpits:
You are a dependable and hard working person. Generally verypopular person as you are very down to earth and willing to helpothers. Tend to get yourself into trouble as you cannot tell whether people are genuine towards you. Make very poor sex partners as you are the working type with average talent. Your best partner in lifewill be those who choose F (Shoulders).

D. Hair:
Artistic type. Daydreaming is your hobby, but you can achieve whatmost other people cannot. Dedication is lacking, but you will work tirelessly towards goals which are to your liking. Money is not important. Friends are but only intellectuals and fellow artistictypes. Make the best sex partners as you are most willing to exploreand please ther other partner. Talent is your main strength. Your best partner in life will be those who chose A (Chest) and E (Privates).

hahaha...ya ya ya...very true..m daydreaming person...i like to daydream...

E. Privates:
Shy type. You lack self confidence and tend to be bullied by others. You do not have lots of friends as others find you boring and unattractive. Perserverance is not your strength and you tend to give up easily and at the first opportunity. However, you make an aboveaverage sex partner. You are able to show your true emotions to very few people. Hence in sex, you find your inner strengths. Your bestsex partner in life will be those who choose B (Face) and D (Hair).

F. Shoulder:

A born loser. You fail in everything that you do. People dislike youand you tend to spend your time alone. Your type have been known to be heavy gamblers and drinkers. You see the world as a livin hell. Money and power is also important to you. But your luck will alwaysfail you. You make a lousy sex partner. You will find it difficult tofind a partner in life. Those who choose C (Armpits) are your only chance.

G. Others:

You are a very average person. Undoubtedly, you have your inner strengths, but people find it hard to see. You must learn to be a little bit more adventurous and see your potential. Deep down, you are very likeable person with very few faults. However, the key will be tomake your strengts stand out and not just hide you weaknessess. Youare an average sex partner. You have great fantasies about different techniques, but unfortunately are not brave enough to try them out. Your best partner in life will be those who choose B (Face).


星期日,一覺睡到下午2 點還不願起床,我在旁邊叫喚他。






一個小時後,我離開肯德基並外帶了一份餐,在往回家路上走著時,我重新思考著過自己生活的事情,我可以當作我是一個人生活,一個吃飽一個人散步一個人回家去嗎?? 我不會,也不行,我可以一個人吃飯、一個人散步,可是我不會忘了要買一份食物給在家裡的家人,一個人的生活裡其實包含了兩個人。

婚姻裡,有一個很難的部份就是,你不明白什麼時候該一個人,什麼時候又該兩個人? 而女人卻會自然而然的照料跟妳一起生活的人,也許妳照顧不了他的心情,可是妳會顧及他的溫飽。

「先生,請問你有沒有叫肯德基外帶全家餐?」我站在門口對他說。 他對我笑而不答。

我想,他明白這是 ------我一個人生活時愛做的事,二個人生活時也希望可以做的事。

如果相遇,你會感到相知,那麼,有一種習慣 ─叫做陪伴。
如果陪伴,你會感到珍惜,那麼,有一種甜蜜 ─叫做存在。
如果存在,你會感到壓力,那麼,有一種善良 ─叫做離開。
如果離開,你會感到輕鬆,那麼,有一種勇敢 ─ 叫做放棄。

Friday, November 7, 2008

so TRUTH~!

@訂婚前好像---孫子 對女友百依百順,關心有加,忍氣吞聲。
@訂婚後好像---兒子 已經開始頂嘴,開始有個人的意見。
@結婚後好像---老子 已經變成名符其實的老爺,由他發號施令。

@訂婚前好像---燕子 愛怎麼飛就怎麼飛,不受拘束自由自在。
@訂婚後好像---鴿子 雖然能飛,但必須回家。
@結婚後好像---鴨子 再也不能亂飛,祇有看家守著老子。

有人說,一個人過了二十五歲就該為自己的外貌負責任;我想,男人最應該為女人的外貌負責任。一個清麗脫俗的女人跟 了一個俗不可耐的男人,日子久了,女人也會變得很庸俗,她的五官沒有改變,皮膚依然白皙,但是她的氣質總是比不上從前了。

我們總是被我們所愛的東西定型,一個女人愛上一個怎樣的男人,她就會變成一個怎樣的女人;女人不 美,是男人的責任。

一個本來很漂亮的女人愈來愈憔悴,那麼,一定是她的男人待她不好,她有 憂傷,才會失去光彩。 一個本性馴良的女人愈來愈潑辣,那麼,一定是她的男人不爭氣,她只好比他強。
一個 本來很高貴的女人變得愈來愈隨便,那麼,她的男人一定是個沒上進心的人,所以,她也失去了上進心。
一個 本來很平凡的女人,變得愈來愈漂亮,愈來愈有氣質,舉手投足愈來愈有味道,那當然是她的男人的功勞。
男人千萬不要抱怨身邊的女人愈來愈 難看,她不好看,問題一定出在你身上。

never ever Repeat the same mistake

this is wat i always remind myself in my mind
we can live without anyone in dis body cant be survive without anybody....
dont try to persuade yourself someone cannot live without u...

and dont let yourself repeat the same mistake again and again....
once it happened to u...ok...remember the lesson, never ever let it happened again..
remember, KIT!!!

hate people always ffk...
hate people promise things to me and than never do wat dey promised...
hate d most.........
d most hate thing is u nid to pretend like nothing happen..
hate hate hate!!!
